Saturday, April 28, 2012

Race Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow is race day. I have the Lincoln Tunnel Challenge 5K in the morning. There should be about 3,500 people running between the 2 heats (sub-25:00 and over-25:00). I ran the Rutgers Big Chill in December and they had over 7,000 people, so tomorrow should be a piece of cake! The race tomorrow is benefiting the Special Olympics and they raise a ton of money for a really worthy cause. That really is the great thing about running in 5K races (or 10K, halfs, or any race). Every race is run in support of a charity or organization. Each race draws competitors vying for first place, a specific time, a personal record, and even those who just want to finish. Regardless, we're all out to help some truly great causes. I'm shooting for 31:00 tomorrow, but with 3,500 entries, you never know. I'll see you at the finish line. Until then, Run fast, Run hard, Run smart. -Mike

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lincoln Tunnel Challenge 5K in 5 days

I went out tonight with a plan to run 2.868 miles (thanks, I run 2 loops of 1.434 miles and I finish anywhere between 27:30 and 28:30. When I was about 100 feet from the "finish line" I said to myself, 'you're feeling good. keep going.' I'm really glad that I did. One lap around my block measured out 0.822 miles, bringing my run up to 3.690 miles. My time came out to 37:29. While not thirilled with the time, I'm really glad that I kept going. My pace came out to 10:09/mile and for the extra distance, I was OK with that.

I have the Lincoln Tunnel 5K coming up on Sunday and I'd really like to break 31:00. I hear the race draws over 1,000 runners, so I'm not banking on a PR, but I'll start my own watch when I cross the starting line and hope I can get a PB.

This is my first attempt at a blog, so please be patient with me. I'm relatively new to running, having started in September of 2011. I'm learning every day and I have a great support system of friends who are also runners. I have 5K and 10K -ers, a marathoner, and even a certified Iron Man. I'm always looking for advice or just to talk about running. If you have any comments about something I write, please drop me an email at

Til next time...
Run fast, Run hard, Run smart.
